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159 North Sangamon Street Suite 200, IL

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159 North Sangamon Street Suite 200, IL




Lack of project management talent can be challenging for any organization, resulting in missed deadlines, reduced productivity, lost business and unhappy stakeholders. The Project Management Institute’s 2016 Pulse of the Profession report, $122 million of every $1 billion invested in projects is wasted due to poor execution. Most companies look to solve this issue hiring Project managers with the right balance of technical skills, soft skills, and savviness to deal with difficult team members and tough stakeholders. Although this is a great approach, it often falls flat once the project manager is in the thick of things and are not meeting expectations. The next best thing a company can do to close the skills gap is provide a consistent support system to help their team grow their skills. At EHC we have talent development program offerings that will not only increase your team’s project management competencies, but will also make your staff feel more valued, your stakeholders will be happier, with improved performance and retention.

We partner closely with our clients to understand their unique processes, company culture and specifics around each project to ensure the perfect match is made. Your next candidate will come fully equipped with knowledge of how healthcare and health insurance works as well as the core project management competencies and soft skills to successfully deliver your organizations next strategic initiative

Our Programs

Coaching Program


This program is for project manager who are either new to project management or recently promoted and need guidance on how to proactively manage active projects, or PM’s who need help building their brand with stakeholders and leadership


This coaching program is for Project coordinators and project managers who have been promoted and could use guidance transitioning into their new role. It is also for Project managers who are not meeting expectations and their performance is not as up to part. We will help get them back on track to meet or exceed expectations



This program is organizations looking to outsource their project management training, coaching, and onboarding.

Each coaching program is specific to the client’s needs.

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